

Please donate if you find this site useful.
Fay Marine
Yacht Plans
Anchors & Anchoring
Battery Desulphation
Diesel Fuel


Free Fire Design

Interesting Sites

Good Companies

Other Companies

Junk Rig



Outboard Oil

Roll Damper / Flopper Stopper

Sea Cocks

Toilets / heads

Simple Holding Tank

Steel yacht F.A.Q

Wind Vane steering

Wind Generators

Yacht Legs



Making a donation.

This web site costs to keep online and to help keep the information available a small donation will be appreciated. The link below will take you to PayPal where you can donate a few pounds or dollars which helps to keep things online.

We are continually putting more information here and it will be good if you look here regularly.

We are always happy to reply to any questions you may have and can be emailed at If we are sailing it may take a few days for us to reply so please be patient.

Happy sailing, Paul and Mo